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An association comprised of over 1000 individual and independent businesses within the automobile collision repair industry.


Who Is The California Auto Body association ?

The California Autobody Association (CAA ) is a non-profit trade association comprised of over 1000 individual and independent businesses within the automobile collision repair industry. The mission of the California Autobody Association is to enable the auto body industry to survive and prosper by helping its members produce a quality repair for the consumer at a fair price for a fair profit. 

About the CAA

Formed in 1967, CAA is committed to:

  • Improving the collision repair industry through education and training;
  • Taking a proactive stance to protect both the consumer and the industry through legislation.
  • Benefitting the members through programs and servicesdesigned to make member shops professional, successful, and profitable; and
  • Working toward establishing a fair and equitable relationship with the insurance industry.

How is the CAA Structured?

The CAA is governed by an Executive Committee and a Board of Directors. Elected State Officers are a President, First Vice President, Vice President-Finance, Treasurer, and Secretary. These elected officers, along with the Executive Director, who is the chief operating officer of the association, form the Executive Committee which is the functional leadership of CAA.

There are 16 local chapters with the association who also elect their own boards of directors. Two representatives from each chapter are appointed to serve on the CAA Board of Directors. These representatives attend, participate and vote in quarterly Board of Directors meetings.

The CAA State Office along with the Executive Director and his staff are headquartered in Sacramento. They perform the administrative, communications, and day-to-day functions of the association as well as provide a focal point for all CAA activities.

Does the CAA follow an ethical guideline ?


  1. To promote goodwill between the motorists and members of the Association.
  2. To have a sense of personal obligation to each individual customer.
  3. To perform high quality repair service at a fair and just price.
  4. To employ the best technicians available specializing in paint, metal, and mechanical work.
  5. To use only proven merchandise of high quality distributed by reputable firms.
  6. To comply with all laws and regulations of the Federal, State, and Local Governments.
  7. To be a clean competitor.
  8. To uphold the high standards of our profession and always seek to correct any and all abuses within the auto body industry.
  9. To uphold the integrity of all members of the CAA.
  10. To encourage present and potential technicians to further their education and skills development. 


Does the CAA endorse  California Motorist's Concerns ? 

The CAA supports the Consumer's rights to Protect thier interests


Designed to assist you in handling claims with your own insurance company .  In accordance with the  Automotive Repair Act of 1971,

A customer shall receive:

  • A written estimate for repair work.
  • A detailed invoice of work done and parts supplied.
  • Return of replaced parts, if requested at the time a work order is placed. Questions concerning the above information should be directed to the manager of the repair facility.


Q: Do I have the right to take my car to the shop of my choice?

A: Yes - You may select the repair facility of your choice unless your insurance policy specifies otherwise.

Q: Should my insurance company be notified before repairs?

A: Yes - your insurance policy generally states that, if requested, you must file a sworn proof of loss, exhibit the damaged property, and submit to examination under oath.

Q: Do I need to contact more than one shop for an estimate?

A: No - Generally, one estimate from the shop of your choice is required, unless your insurance policy specifies otherwise. California State law requires you be given a written estimate before starting repairs.

Q: Am I responsible for the cost of repairs?

A: Yes - You are usually responsible to the repair facility for payment of repairs unless your insurance policy specifies otherwise. Ordinarily, if you are insured, your insurance policy states that the insurance company will pay you for the loss, less any applicable deductables or depreciation. Any arrangements for payments by your insurance company are your responsibility.

Q: Is the repair facility responsible for the repairs performed on my car?

A: Yes - The Automobile Repair Act of 1971 requires all repair dealers to be registered with the State of California and to post a sign. This Act [Section 9884.7(1)(g)] states that the Department of Consumer Affairs may invalidate the registration of the repair dealer for a number of causes, including:

  • making any statement written or oral which is untrue or misleading;
  • causing a customer to sign any work order which is untrue or misleading;
  • failing or refusing to give to a customer a copy of any document requiring hia or her signature, as soon as the customer signs such document;
  • any other conduct which constitutes fraud;
  • any willful departure from or disregard of accepted trade standards for good and workman like repair.

Q: If I am having diffculties with my insurance company, do I have recourse?

A: Yes - First consult with your insurance agent or broker. Then, if your problems still have not been resolved, consult with the Department of Insurance, State of California, at their office in Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, or San Diego, or telephone their toll free line: 1-800-927-4357

Q: If my insurance company does not agree with the amount of loss, do I have recourse other than the State of California Department of Insurance?

A: Yes - Your insurance policy may provide that, when the insured and insurer fail to agree on the amount of loss, both parties are entitled to arbitration.

Q: Can an Insurer require, direct, suggest or recommend that your automobile be repaired at a specific shop?

A: No - Unless the referral is expressly requested by you; or you have been informed in writing of the right to select the repair facility; and The insurer that elects to repair a vehicle directs, suggests or recommends that a specific repair shop be used, shall cause the damaged vehicle to be restored to its condition prior to the loss at no additional cost to you other than as stated in the policy or as otherwise allowed by law.

Q: Can my insurer require me to use non-original equipment manufacturer (non-OEM) replacement crash parts for the repair of my car?

A: No - No insurer shall require the use of non-OEM replacement crash parts in the repair of an automobile unless:

  • The parts are at least equal to the original equipment manufacturer parts in terms of quality, safety, fit and performance; and
  • Insurers specifying the use fo non-OEM replacement crash parts shall pay the cost of any modifications to the parts which may become neccessary to effect the repair; and
  • Insurers specifying the use of non-OEM replacement crash parts warrant that all such parts are of like kind, quality, safety, fit and performance as OEM replacement crash parts.

                                                                                                                 Proud and well Trained Members of the CAA  

                                                                                            Serve & Protect California Motorists of All Ages