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About this company      

Fred Loya Insurance was established in 1974 and has grown to be one of the Largest Hispanic Top 500 Ownedand Operated Companies in the United States. Our commitment to providing fast, dependable service andcompetitive rates for general auto insurance has made us one of the fastest growing auto insurance groupswith over 500 agencies throughout Texas, California, New Mexico, Colorado, Illinois, Georgia, Arizona, andNevada.


FRED LOYA CLAIMS PROCESS  .................

How do I get an estimate?

  • For your convenience, we offer several appraisal options that best suit your needs. Drive-In estimates are conveniently offered at your local office. You may also take your vehicle to one of our Direct Repair Facilities for a repair evaluation. If your vehicle is not drivable, our staff appraisers are committed to contacting you within 72 hours* of the loss report to complete an estimate of damages on your vehicle or other property. In the event you live in a rural area, Fred Loya may outsource the appraisal assignment to a certified independent appraisal service. Estimates are uploaded to your adjuster the same day of completion. 

* Does not apply for all losses; time frame depends on appraisal source.


What is a Direct Repair Facility?

  • A shop that participates in our Direct Repair Program (DRP). By selecting a Loya Insurance Group approved repair shop, you will receive:
    • A lifetime guaranty on covered repairs for the life you own or lease the vehicle. Covered repairs do not include normal wear and tear or damage caused by improper maintenance, unrelated damage, abuse, etc.
    • As a courtesy, convenient rental arrangements may be provided by the DRP shop, whether you have rental reimbursement coverage or not.
    • The shop bills Loya Insurance Group directly for all repairs making the claims process more efficient for you.


Where do I take my car for repairs?

  • You are free to take your vehicle to a shop of your choice or to a Direct Repair facility for repairs. We recommend that the shop you select is reputable and will be able to complete the repairs in a timely manner. Repairs should be scheduled once you have received authorization from your adjuster.