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I-CAR - Collision Repair Training

Recognizing Business Achievements

The I-CAR Gold Class Professionals® designation is among the highest recognitions for training available to businesses in the collision repair inter-industry and is designed to help the collision industry meet its changing needs. Businesses who have earned this designation not only achieve a high level of training for each employee, but also maintain annual training to provide their customers with efficient, safe, and high-quality services.

What is Required to be Recognized as an I-CAR Gold Class Professionals® Business

For a collision repair business to qualify for the I-CAR Gold Class Professionals® designation, it must declare a minimum of one I-CAR Platinum Individual® as a Role Representative in each of the following four roles:

Click here to learn more about the I-CAR Gold Class Professionals® requirements for a collision repair business.

Insurers and Other Businesses

Insurer or non-collision repair businesses can continue to qualify for the I-CAR Gold Class Professionals® designation under the former “5&2” rule through December, 2011. Information about a new program tailored specifically for businesses not directly involved with the physical repair will be available in the future. Like the program for collision repairers, it will recognize professional development training relevant to the declared role, therefore it is suggested that any new training taken be within the role-specific menu of courses.