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A Texas Insurance Company

Image result for texas farm bureau INSURANCE   About Texas Farm Bureau

Texas Farm Bureau History

The Texas Farm Bureau story


Russell Boening, Texas Farm Bureau President

Russell Boening
Texas Farm Bureau

Private property rights. Water. More efficient government. We share the same concerns. Issues outside the farm gate affect our operations and livelihoods. That’s why we need Texas Farm Bureau. To ensure our grassroots voice is heard. Texas Farm Bureau is the Voice of Agriculture.

It is my great honor to be selected to be president of the Texas Farm Bureau. There are major issues, important debates and hard work ahead of us. There are exciting prospects full of great opportunity. With the strength of over 500,000 members, we can provide America with safe and wholesome food.

I urge you to harvest the benefits and join today!

Click here to read more about President Boening.


A little history


The modern Texas Farm Bureau was founded in 1933, and grew from a fledgling organization to one of the largest groups of farmers, ranchers and rural families in the world. TFB is totally controlled by its members and financed by voluntary dues. Service companies were developed to serve members' interests, and today, members enjoy the dual benefits of political representation and solid pocketbook savings.

One of Farm Bureau's most important principles is that of grassroots policy development. Policies always originate at the member level and are debated and adopted at the county, state and national levels. Legislative staffs in Austin and Washington, D.C. work to implement Farm Bureau policy and keep lawmakers informed on agricultural and rural issues.


Where we've been...

The History of Texas Farm BureauA few accomplishments from Texas Farm Bureau history: 

  • Agricultural exemptions from ad valorem taxation 
  • Texas' superb farm-to-market road system
  • Sales tax exemptions for machinery, feed, seed and fertilizer 
  • Refunds of state and federal taxes on farm used fuel
  • Reform of inheritance and gift tax laws 
  • Protection of property rights 
  • Reduction of regulatory burden for agriculture 
  • Research and implementation of animal health programs









Where we're going...



The History of Texas Farm BureauThese are some of the goals of Farm Bureau: 

  • Achieve an economic climate that will improve net farm income 
  • Enhance public perception of agriculture 
  • Promote free and fair trade 
  • Preserve individual freedoms 
  • Work toward a smaller, more efficient federal government 
  • Work for strong local and state government 
  • Promote a fair tax system 
  • Balance the federal budget