Distracted Driving is a Dangerous Game
Distracted Driving is A Dangerous Game
What happened to the good old days when a car was simply a car? In this age of multitasking, drivers have turned their cars into offices, chat rooms and cafeterias. It has now become commonplace to see a distracted driver munching on a breakfast sandwich on their way to work, using their cell phone, or changing radio stations while weaving in and out of traffic. You might even see a guy shaving or a woman applying her makeup on the freeway. We’ve seen it so many times here at Continental Collision Company in Belleville that it no longer shocks us.
This type of distracted driving is a sure fire recipe for a costly, and possibly deadly, accident. If safety is foremost in your mind, then there are certain commonsense practices we at Belleville suggest you avoid doing while driving your car. Here are some “distracted driving” practices to stay away from:

A Car or a Beauty Salon?
Unfortunately, some people wake up too late in the morning and don’t have enough time to primp and preen before they leave the house. So, their rear view mirror serves double duty as a makeup mirror. If you want to avoid a major accident, get up ten minutes earlier so you’ll have enough time to freshen up before leaving the house.

A Car or an Office?
Cell phones certainly make life easier…sometimes too easy. What did people do before they had these handheld marvels of technology? They probably had fewer accidents. Not only are you distracted when you lower your head to dial the number, but it’s easy to become so absorbed in the conversation that you miss traffic signs and lights, or forget to brake and ultimately slam into the car in front of you. Even more concerning is the use of text messaging while driving. One study showed that people using handheld devices while driving are just as impaired as those driving drunk, yet cell phones are still legal. Makes you wonder.

A Car or a Restaurant?
Sure, everyone needs to eat, but not when they’re driving. It’s highly unlikely a person will be able to react quickly when they’re holding a burger in one hand and the steering wheel in the other. Not only is eating while driving a risk to life and limb, it’s also bad for digestion.

A Car or a Library?
Yes, believe it or not, there are people who read while driving. Would it surprise you to learn that forty percent of people engage in some form of reading or writing while cruising around town? Anything from making lists to reading a magazine for pleasure were noted when in-car video cameras were used to see what people do in their cars. Do yourself a favor and get an audio book if you want to keep your mind stimulated when you are on the road. It will give you entertainment, while also being safe.

Let Your Car Be a Car!
The bottom line? When you’re driving, focus on the task at hand. Distracted driving may not only raise your insurance rates, but could be a quick ticket to the hospital (or worse). Don’t take the chance of concentrating on something else when you are behind the wheel—you may regret it later. Instead, concentrate on safely navigating through the roads of Belleville in your large, motorized hunk of steel (or aluminum). As a responsible citizen and driver, you have an obligation to be safe so that you can live a good, long life and remain a valuable customer at Continental Collision Company in Belleville!