Get More Cash When You Trade-in Your Vehicle

When the time for purchasing a new vehicle comes around, having an older car to trade in could possibly give you a leg up on the negotiation process. If your vehicle has a high resale value and you’ve keep your car in good condition, it might mean more money in your pocket when driving off in your brand new vehicle.
At Ellis & Salazar Automotive And Collision South Austin, we realize that buying a new car can be fairly stressful, but by following these basic steps, so that our friends in Austin, TX can get a good deal on a trade-in.
Check out the Private Seller Amount
Do your research and have the data before you go to any car dealership. Knowing what you can get on your own is important, so find out if there is a private market before trading in your vehicle. This will allow you to negotiate the best price for your trade-in and ideally set yourself up as an authority in the negotiation process to get a higher value on your vehicle from any dealership.
Stay on Top of Your Scheduled Maintenance
You should always do your regular vehicle maintenance on any vehicle, because it can play a significant role in the resale value of the automobile. Regularly maintaining your vehicle will not only ensure that it runs well for you, but can almost guarantee you more money when you decide to sell it or trade it in. Keep all of the documentation in order to present a complete picture for the buyer/dealer and it will enhance your position on the sale or trade-in.
Get a Complete Tune-Up
Get your vehicle completely tuned up by a qualified mechanical technician, even if it's already in good condition, and also have it professionally detailed before taking it to a dealership to salesman. With evidence that your vehicle is mechanically solid, the probability of you getting the most out of any trade-in will always be higher.
Have A Solid Down Payment
If you can come up with a decent down payment at approximately 20-30%, this will give a negotiating tool, for when you're trying to make a deal. Once the dealership knows that you're a serious buyer, they will be more anxious to close a deal and giving you a decent amount of money for your trade-in is a big part of that.
Wait For It...
Vehicle experts can’t stress enough the concept of waiting right up until the end of your buying process to bring up your desire to do a trade-in. You want to make certain that you’ve nailed down the price of your new vehicle before you begin negotiating about the trade-in. Keep the two things totally separate and never commit to anything until after the sales price is set.
While buying and selling a car can potentially be stressful, having a little extra knowledge will give you the confidence you need to land a fantastic deal with a healthy trade-in.
Sources: Consumer Reports, AOL and NBC