Bad Driving Habits that Can Ruin Your Day

Out of the roads and highways of this country, we encounter a wide range of different drivers with different driving habits and varied ways of getting where they're going. You get your super-slow drivers sitting in the fast lane at 40 mph. You get the hyped-up wannabe racers that tailgate and force other drivers all over the road at unsafe speeds. And you also get the angry, over-aggressive driver that honks their horn and gestures at other drivers as they pass them.
You get all kinds out on the roads here in Phoenix and all over the state of AZ , so here is our list of the top 5 other drivers' habits that can impact your life negatively at any time, brought to you by Fix Auto Phoenix .
1. Excessive Speeding
Due to poor enforcement, many people speed and nothing ever happens to them. The average driver will customarily exceed the speed limit by approximately 10-15 miles per hour and roads and traffic patterns are designed with this in mind. But, the real offenders are driving 20-30 miles over the limit and those are the ones that can kill you. Speeding while driving kills more than 13,000 people annually, so don’t let yourself fall victim to this easily preventable situation. In addition, if you see someone driving at a high rate, stay clear of them as quickly as you safely can.
2. Tailgating
Not only is tailgating against the law, it can also lead to frequent trips to the auto body repair shop. When traveling 60 miles per hour or more, drivers should always be 120-140 feet behind the car in front of them so that they can be prepared for a complete stop. Tailgating happens when drivers have less time to make a stop, resulting in rear-ending the person in front of them.
3. Texting
Texting or multi-tasking while driving is the easiest way to get into an accident. Distracted driving can cause a myriad of problems that will not only put your life at risk, but also those around you. Drivers need to determine what of their belongings will distract them and either leave them at home or stow them in the trunk. This keeps them from fumbling around for items in their car and endangering all of us.
4. Forgetting to Signal
As a shop, we often see that most minor accidents are caused by negligence. Whether it's from drivers neglecting to turn on their directional signals or not looking over their shoulder when changing lanes, drivers must realize that turn signals need to be used with every turn or lane change that they perform.
5. Driving Tired
Drivers work hard day in and day out and many of them have long commutes, so if they are extremely fatigued, it is crucial for them pull over. They need to get out of their car and walk around to get their blood flowing and clearing their tired minds. One suggestion for fatigued drivers is to avoid using cruise control when driving. This will make them less alert and more likely to get into an accident.
The main message here is don’t let someone else's dangerous driving habits get you into a fatal accident! By watching out for the other person, you can alleviate potential issues caused by careless drivers out on the road.
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Sources: Wikipedia, NHTSA and AARP