How to (Actually) Keep Your Car Clean

Congratulations! You’ve just gotten a beautiful new car. You drive off the lot, take it home, breathe in that intoxicating “new car smell,” and proudly click the beeper over your shoulder as you stroll into the house. Sound familiar?
Of course, when you finally get into the house, you remember how real life works. The dog, the kids, groceries, the weather … all of it gets tracked in and out of your car daily. Life and all its mess can be overwhelming, and sometimes impossible to keep contained.
And that pristine, gorgeous new car you just drove off the lot is, unavoidably, a part of that life now. Whether you’re carting your kids to and from school or commuting to work, it can seem like the first time you drove your car home was the last time it looked clean.
Your friends at Continental Collision Austin would like to offer some tips and tricks you can use to keep your car clean and organized through the craziness of life.
- Keep a Laundry Basket in the Trunk
Extra shoes, jackets, spilled laundry, soccer uniforms—they can pile up. If you have an extra laundry basket lying around the house, keep one in your trunk always. Then, at the end of the week (or Sunday night, before the week begins), use that basket to collect all of the extraneous items that belong in the house but somehow ended up in your backseat.
Keeping the laundry basket in the car will not only give you a place to throw those foreign objects, but it will encourage you to bring things inside by making it less of a big chore to clean out the car.
- Get a Cool Trashcan
Everyone always recommends putting a trash bag in the car, or reusing those plastic grocery bags you have thousands of in your kitchen. It’s true—you’re less likely to stuff trash in your car door when there’s a trash bag on hand. Although this might be effective, a grocery bag tied to the back of your headrest is seriously lacking in aesthetics. Especially if you’re trying to maintain that sexy new car feel, plastic bags just won’t cut it. Invest in a trashcan designed specifically for the car. Nowadays, they make them spill-proof, waterproof, and with extra cubbies for other helpful things. Most importantly, they come in several cool designs.
- Invest in Seat Covers
As nice as those new seats look, they’re undoubtedly one of the most vulnerable parts of your new car. Even if you never eat or drink anything while you travel—which, if we’re being totally honest, you will—general wear and tear, less-than-pristine passengers, and even the dye from your favorite jeans can leave lasting marks on your car’s upholstery. Save yourself the trouble and buy a set of seat covers.
- File It Away
There are several important papers that you should keep in your car at all times: insurance cards, registration, etc. However, there are plenty of other papers that end up floating around your car that could be important, too. Receipts from your last oil change, tire rotation, or tune-up can come in handy when you can’t remember how long it’s been, and so can warranties for any car accessories you may have.
Grab a mini accordion file to keep in your glove compartment. You’ll not only keep those papers from cluttering your car, but you’ll also look extremely organized if someone pulls you over and asks for your license and registration.
- Create a Quick-Fix Kit
Accidents happen. Items like paper towels, baby wipes, stain removers, and even Magic Erasers can come in handy for spills. Also, cleaning the interior of your car doesn’t always have to be a huge ordeal. Keeping items like car upholstery wipes or feather dusters on hand can do wonders for a dusty dashboard, or fingerprints on your car door. One quick swipe can make your car look much better, just in time to take your boss, date, or mother-in-law to lunch.
Do you have any clever or plain old genius tricks for keeping your car clean? Let Continental Collision Austin know below! Looking for a great detailer in the Austin, TX area? Ask us!