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Vehicle Make : BMW
Fran G..
1 out of 5
This body shop is the Best example of a non professional business, firstly the establishment is barely visible, you might think you might be mugged if going in, you would not expect a car shop to have a dirt driveway full of pot holes, because who hates pot holes more than gear heads? Secondly they greet you informally as if they knew you, it is a business and im here to give you business not talk with you, third but not last if you bring in a non euro car they will talk your car down and bash it, i decided to take my import in, i am quite sure i would have been treated better and more rapidly if i would have brought my brand new euro cars, and to add to insult they said they would give me a call with quotes regarding the work i wrongly would have let them do, and they never did. So in general if you have a euro car, you're on payments on said euro car, and want cheap work with horrible customer service, this is the place for you! Little ex-storage unit located in Grissom road! Talking from a perspective of a business owner.


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