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Vehicle Make : Nissan
1 out of 5
Please do not use this company. You can expect peeling paint within months of repair. Even after purchasing a new bumper to have painted, as was suggested, the paint is peeling off in large sections. I contacted the company regarding resolution and was told I should put my old damaged bumper back on, that they would not repair/ repaint. The owner of the company stated that this job was "beyond his capabilities" and that ANY repair and body shop I took my car to would not be able to paint the bumper without it peeling. However, I have contacted 5 auto body shops regarding this repair, including sending pictures and exact specs, and have been assured that it could be done, and that I could and should expect the repair to last longer than several months or even years (with exception of additional/ new damage). This company commonly works for/with car dealerships doing repairs requiring painting service. If you take your car to a dealership and they contract paint services, please ask for detail record of the company, service provided, and warranty (or lack thereof)....
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