AAA Study Reveals that We are a Road Rage Nation!
A new AAA study reports that four out of every five drivers in the U.S. confess to driving while annoyed, which leads to aggressive driving and eventually full-blown road rage. One of the study's most concerning part of the report is that more than 50% of all the drivers in this country (approximately 104 million) tailgate other drivers on purpose.
Here in Pasadena, CA at Fix Auto Pasadena, we see road rage all the time, and we know it's a fairly serious issue throughout the country. But, this latest study has now shown us that this problem is more serious than what most folks probably imagine.
The facts are troubling, to say the least. A total of 95 million drivers (47%) scream and gesture at other drivers. Aggressive honking is also widespread, with an estimated 91 million people (45%) doing it. Luckily, the most perilous behaviors – ramming other cars and/or exiting the car to confront another driver – seem to be
isolated occurrences. AAA estimates that 7.6 million people (4%) confront other drivers, and 5.7 million drivers (3%) hit another car deliberately. So, it seems that most of the road rage out there is committed by people who want to remain somewhat anonymous as they antagonize other drivers, which makes sense.
This AAA study dug a little deeper to try and find the real offenders and their thinking behind this huge problem. Broken down demographically, the data gleaned from this in-depth study illustrates that age and gender both play a big major role in road rage. Male drivers 18-39 are more likely to take antagonistic action while driving. The study also claims that motorists in the Northeast are more likely to blow the horn, yell or gesture in an irate fashion at other drivers.
What does AAA say to people who are the victims of road rage? "Assume that it's not personal," says Jurek Grabowski, the director of research for AAA's Foundation for Traffic Safety. "Inconsiderate driving, bad traffic and the daily stresses of life can transform minor frustrations into dangerous road rage." If someone pulls a road rage-like move on you, AAA is suggesting common sense behavior -- stay calm and never react, because that is when it can escalate.
By being a better and more considerate driver, you can avoid upsetting other drivers, as well as road rage. Don't ever force another driver to slow down or change lanes and if something does occur, steer clear of making eye contact, and of course, always maintain ample space between your car and other vehicle. And finally if things get crazy and the situation becomes threatening, do not hesitate to dial 911.
We at Fix Auto Pasadena want to make sure everyone is safe as they drive around [city[, and throughout all of CA. Therefore, by taking a deep breath, driving safely and in a courteous manner yourself, you will avoid road rage and be safe on the roads and highways of this great country. Remember--road rage incidents will never get you to your destination any faster and in some cases, they can lead to injury or even death.
Sources: AAA, San Francisco Chronicle and USA Today